All Wolf pictures on this site unless otherwise listed are copyrighted and courtesy of Monty Sloan
I am proud to be able to provide a link to Wolf Song,
drop by this wonderful site to learn about wolves from all over the globe. Learn more about our misunderstood brother.
This page was last updated on: June 22, 2021
The excerpt below is from a emergency mailing from "Defenders of Wildlife".
It appears that the powers that be in Alaska against the wishes of the general public, the governor is trying to re-instate the slaughter of the wolves of Alaska.
Please drop by this site and help if you can.

Hi Glen,
You are amazing. Because of your caring and dedication to protecting wolves, we have already raised over $40,000 to stop aerial gunning in Alaska!
Defenders of Wildlife is already using these funds to complete an online aerial gunning video to distribute to the media, grassroots activists, and the public to generate outrage against this government-sanctioned wolf slaughter.
But the snow has begun to fall. The Board of Game has started issuing hunting permits. At least four wolves have already been killed - and this is just the beginning. Trophy hunters are now using airplanes to gun down wolves or run them to exhaustion, then land and shoot the helpless animals. 900 more wolves could die this winter - this is in addition to the 147 already killed under this barbaric practice.
We still need your help:
If you have not yet adopted a wolf for the holidays, please do so today. Your tax-deductible emergency contribution ($25 would be great!) will help Defenders step up their public outreach, grassroots mobilization and media efforts to stop this slaughter, the worst since the 1950's.
We've already flooded Governor Murkowski's phone lines, demanding an end to the aerial killing of wolves in Alaska. Let's keep up the pressure: 907-465-3500.
The Federal Airborne Hunting Act (FAHA) was passed in 1971, in large measure to stop the aerial wolf killing in Alaska. Alaska's current practice is in clear violation of this law. Sign this petition to urge President Bush to enforce FAHA in Alaska to stop the aerial gunning of wolves.
Your help and support has been so critical in the campaign to save Alaska's wolves, and I can't thank you enough. But we have a lot of work to do this winter.
To be successful in stopping this barbaric practice, we must increase outreach and media efforts. We need to raise an additional $25,000 in the next 72 hours to help Defenders promote their online aerial gunning video, and your continued support is invaluable:
Together, we can stop the brutal massacre of Alaska's wolves.
Thank you for caring,
- Rebecca,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team
P.S. Please forward this message to three friends and family members to spread the word about our campaign to save Alaska's wolves. Encourage them to join you in calling Governor Murkowski's office at 907-465-3500 to demand an end to the aerial killing of wolves in Alaska. And thank you again for everything you've done!

Click on the Image above to take you the Petiton site to see how you can help
Please visit Mr. Maughan's site
to learn more about what is really happening
out west.
He also has information on Bison & Grizzly Bears
Click on the Image below
November 21, 2006
Dear Glen:
As I consider all I wish to give thanks for this season, I am reminded once again of how very grateful I am for your efforts as part of the WildAlert community. You are one of a legion of spirited people who understand that wilderness sustains our lives and spirits, teaches us to be better human beings, and is a living conservatory of our national soul.
Our nation's wilderness represents so much that we hold dear: unfettered freedom, hope in the renewing forces of nature, limitless horizons, creativity, spontaneity, and rugged individualism - a reflection of much of what we call "American."
It is our mission and privilege to promote stewardship of our federal public land, held in common for every citizen.
Our lands. Your lands and mine.
This is an awesome legacy: national parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges, wild and scenic rivers, and western lands overseen by the Bureau of Land Management.
These are our public commons, set aside for wildlife, for clean air and water, for those of us who cannot afford to own a ranch or multi-million-dollar home in a resort destination. They are a very real manifestation of the democratic ideal of the greatest good for the greatest number.
Wilderness areas are places where we just leave nature alone. Free from roads. Free from human structures. Free from resource extraction and mechanical uses of any kind.
Your efforts this year have helped us maintain that freedom. You have made democracy work. You've helped us keep oil rigs out of the Arctic Refuge of Alaska; protect pristine national forest areas from logging; pass bills authorizing 350,000 acres of Wilderness, in California and New England.
We have many freedoms here in America. Every single one of them requires our vigilance as a nation. This is the time of year when we stop to recognize things that we might take for granted on any other Thursday. Thank you for your vigilance and your support.
Thank you, Glen, for being a part of the WildAlert community.
William H. Meadows
The Wilderness Society

Bill Meadows, The Wilderness Society
Photo:Sandy Briggs
Please show your support and click on the image below to take you to the
Wilderness Societies Site
Below is a letter I am proud to have received. I had to post it so others might choose to get involved
Help Save
Wyoming Wolves
Wyoming officials are suing the federal government, so they can remove as many as two-thirds of the wolves in the state. If they win, wolves lose: As many as 200 wolves, including mothers and pups could die.
Help us save wolves and send 30,000 messages urging Wyoming officials to drop their lawsuit by Monday November 27th.
Help spread the word. Click on the "Take Action" button & forward this message to a friend.
Dear Glen, 11/25/06
Wyoming has declared war on wolves. State officials have filed a lawsuit to compel the federal government to remove as many as two-thirds of the wolves in Wyoming. And, unless we stop them, as many as 200 wolves and their pups could die.
Last week, Defenders of Wildlife and allied conservation groups launched emergency legal action to stop Wyoming’s plan, but we need your help.
Wyoming’s lawsuit challenges the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s refusal to approve the state’s wolf management plan and eliminate Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in their state.
The federal government had good cause to reject Wyoming’s plan. If approved, the state’s wolf “management” plan would legalize indiscriminate killing throughout 90% of the wolf’s Wyoming range outside of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
Killing of wolves in areas near these parks would be regulated, but wolves elsewhere in Wyoming could be shot on sight.
Wolves play a crucial role in maintaining balanced ecosystems, helping to ensure that increasing elk and other game populations do not overwhelm available habitat. But wolves also play an increasingly important role in the region’s economy.
According to a recent study, the roughly 151,000 people who visit Yellowstone National Park each year to see wolves bring in $35 million to Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. And nearly four percent of Yellowstone National Park’s 2.8 million annual visitors say they would not have visited the nation’s oldest national park if wolves weren’t there. [1]
Wolf recovery in the Northern Rockies is one of the great conservation victories of the last century. It’s up to us to ensure that it lasts.
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife